My Life in Christ
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Nellie Cruz was born to a Puerto Rican family in the South Bronx of New York but was raised on the west side of Cleveland, Ohio. At the age of 18 her (baby) brother who was just sixteen invited her to his youth group to sing at a fund raiser event that his youth group was sponsering. Nellie would never be the same again. She entered and soon became a leader in this youth group which ushered in her walk back into the Faith. She became a youth minister at the then Parish of Cristo Rey. Soon after she began singing (besides in the shower or in her room) after being invited by her cousin (Andy Andino you discovered Me!) to sing the communion reflection song in the first youth mass in the inner city. This sparked and in actuality prompted more opportunities to sing as the interest in her talents increased. After parish youth ministry Nellie along with four other friends and relatives discerned that God was calling them into full time music ministry. The result was the wonderful Spirit filled (but still unknown at the time) group called "Who Do You Say I Am?" Nellie began to travel with the group nationally for four years doing concerts, conferences, retreats, and workshops. Nellie says of her experience with the Who Do's "I learned so much from Andy, Wendy, and Rene, they were my FIRST music ministers." Nellie left the group in 2001 to go back to school and finish her degree in Social Work.


This is a pictue taken of us before a concert at Church of the Resurrection in March 2004 in Columbus, Ohio.  We were jammin to the sounds of the Who Do's who would be our band that night.

These are beautiful Daughters of God
  Nellie ~ A Licensed Social Worker

Being a social worker has been very challenging.  Crisis counseling requires that the counselors take good care of themselves.  A year ago I shared how I started this wonderful and new job as an Intervention Specialist.  At the time I honestly did not know if I'd stick it out.  But today I can tell all of you that I love the work I do.  Christ is teaching me so much about hope and simply being an instrument.  When you work counseling women and children to keep themselves safe and in a safe and stable enviornment it can become pretty tricky not to take it personal when a lot of times these moms don't take your advice or suggestions.  But I learned pretty quickly that people don't need you telling them what to do; they need options because options represent hope.  After that it is their choice and you just pray that they make the right, good, and safe ones. 

That's it.  Make yourself an instrument and a channel of God's peace and mercy and get out of the way.  I think King David expressed this notion the best when he declared to the Philistines  "for the battle is the Lord's..." (1Sam 17:47).

Nellie, what's your devotional?

My devotionals change from season to season.  Right now I'm gathering my strength from scripture and especially the Psalms.

One other devotional that gives me strength and lifts me up when I'm down is Spiritual Communion.  Did you know that there was such a thing?  I didn't until a few years ago.  It is adoring God through either Expostition or Eucharistic communion through prayer.  In the past I would frequently "picture" myself before Jesus in an Adoration Chapel or at a church before the Tabernacle.  I would pray and sing to God.  Later I learned that this was Spiritual Communion with God.  It always felt so real and I thought then that it was known only to me.  But many people do this especially when they can't get to mass.  I still do this to this day.  Jesus tells us in Jn 6 that His words are of Spirit and life.  I think he was saying that what he says is real, the truth, and brings life. 

You try Spiritual communion.  And if you like you can email me your experience.

Here are some of my favorite suggestions on books to read
The Bible~Specifically the Catholic Women's Devotional Bible NRSV
Full of Grace:Women and the Abundant Life by Johnnette S. Benkovic
Love and Responsibility by Pope John Paul II
Lives of the Saints especailly St. Catherine of Siena, St. Faustina Kowalska, and St. Edith Stein

Below you will find a link where you can purchase these books.

Eternal Word Television Network

NCCYM in Pittsburgh 2004
Nellie and Cooper Ray hanging out after the S&S Coffee House

Nellie & Curtis Stephan

Did you know that Nellie's his favorite Singer Ever?!

She can prove it!


To Jesus Through Mary